Michael Witt
Lecturer of Business Law and Management, Entrepreneur-in-Residence
Michael Witt is a Lecturer of Management and Business Law, teaching courses in business law, entrepreneurship and the freshmen level introduction to business course in the undergraduate program. He has a J.D. from Case Western Reserve University (1982). He was recently awarded three research grants, and currently works as the project manager for these grants. He is the President of a medical product technology development company and CEO of a biodiesel startup company. He served on the board of two different organizations.
As the entrepreneur-in-residence, he has been providing mentorship to students in their business development initiatives, network and develop professional relationships for the school to identify collaborative projects. He has also been the key individual in writing of several grants for the school and implementing a few grants that received funding for the university.
He is the university representative to many regional economic and business development efforts such as Engen, E-Team, and Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Furthermore, he is the faculty advisor for the student organization Entrepreneurs' Society. Lastly, he has been regularly attending school's annual events such as Dean Speaker Series, Business Appreciation Dinner, and Economic Forum.