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University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal

PhD in Computer Graphics

Thesis title: ’’Realistic Simulation and Animation of Clouds using SkewT/LogP Diagrams.” Research Areas: Computer Graphics, Animation of Natural Phenomena, Cloud Simulation Department of Computer Science

University of Oporto, Porto, Portugal

MsC in Computational Physics Thesis title: ’Nonlinear Oscillations of Composite Laminated Plates by the Hierarchical Finite Element Method” Research Areas: Airspace plate materials response when subject to diverse forces; Linear, non-linear and chaotic vibration modes. Faculty of Engineering

University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Bachelor in Applied Mathematics Faculty of Sciences and Engineering


Lecturer at Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal

May 2001 - present Professor at the Computer Science Department

■ Responsible for the programs of Programming (introductory and advanced in C, C++, C# and Java), Usability, User Interaction and Advanced Projects (Facial Recognition, Performance, Internet of Things, Machine Learning). Also is responsible for the lecture of English spoken courses for Erasmus students that study in Polytechnic Institute of Viseu.

Research Center in Digital Services (CISeD)

2018 - present Member of the Board and Coordinator of Research Line in Connected Digital Society

■ CISeD focuses on digital services related to computer science, economics and management, culture, quantitative methods and electronic and mechanical engineering. It has as partners the Tallaght Insti¬tute of Technology of Ireland, the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca, companies such as Bizdirect (Microsoft partner), Softinsa (IBM group), Tojaltec and companies from the automotive industry: Faurecia, and PSA. Coordination of Partnerships 2015 - present Computer Science Department and Industry ■ Coordination of internships and creation of partnerships with the industry for applied research.

2013 - 2015 Degree Coordination Coordinator of the bachelor degree in Technologies and Design of Multimedia 

Degree Coordination 2022 - present Coordinator of the Master degree in Informatics Engineering - Information Systems


Improving Mediterranean supply chain through innovative agro-food business models to strengthen small-scale farmers competitiveness, using prickly pear and fig as case study (PRIMA/0005/2021) 2022-2025 InovFarmer.MED aims to improve the Mediterranean supply chain by promoting the adoption of inno¬vative and sustainable Business models and partnership on the agro-food systems, providing strategies and digital technologies to cope with any crisis. Learning from Co-creation (P0CH-04-5267- FSE-000818) 2020-2023 A project starting in 2020 which aims at implementing processes with students and companies, based on a co-creation approach. From the playfulness of video games to the communicational development of children with autism (PR0J/IPV/ID&I/025) 2020-2022 A project starting in 2020 which aims improving communication of children with autism through videogames. Intelligent Food Plan Control System for Alzheimer’s and Other Dementia Patients (PR0J/IPV/ID&I/002) 2020-2022 A project starting in 2020 focusing on food plans for people with Alzheimer and other dementia. The project is focused in the informal caregiver of the Alzheimer patient to provide him/her the required information to prepare and adapt adequate meals. Intelligent Food Plan Control System for Sport (PR0J/IPV/ID&I/007) 2020-2022 A project starting in 2020 focusing on food plans for athletes. Using machine learning techniques, food plans are continuously adapted to athletes, regarding the specific needs of each person. Dont Stand So Close to Me: AI-Powered Distancing System (Special support) 2021-2022 A project starting in 2021 focusing on social distancing detection and the use of shock advertising to provoke social distancing. Smart Citizen Participation 2020-2022 A project starting in 2020 which aims at studying citizen needs in the context of a smart city. The goal is to understand how citizens can be more participative in the management of a city, where they can do their interventions, and design an application common to all cities in Portugal. ShowMe 2018 - 2019 A mobile platform for closed spaces based on Bluetooth technologies. In this project, indoor location is used to notify customers of new promotions on stores. It consists of three level application: at the IoT level it is a one-to-many and one-to-one system and at the marketing level it allows stores to promote new products in proximity context. As a one-to-many, as the system detects the presence of the costumer, it informs him of new promotions he can used from nearby stores. At the one-to-one level, when a customer is near a store, only that store can give promotions to the user. 2018 - 2019 AreYouLost  ■ A web platform for retail stores based on image recognition that focuses into two major issues of costumer behavior when trying to find a product: their emotional status and their physical motions are indicators of their state of mind. In this project it is expected that when a costumer reveals signs of negative emotions, a trigger is given to a retail store assistant so that he can help the costumer. With this, both costumer and retail store satisfaction. The first finds the product he wants to buy and the second increases sales. HeartBeep 2017 - 2019 ■ A mobile platform for the public health service that manages the Cardiology Health System by inte¬grating several services. More specifically, this system allows a fast scheduling of exams which is of most importance for the public health system and to improve on the patients life quality, by reducing waiting time between the exam request and the exam conclusion. Moreover, this platform integrates private and public systems. A request of an exam from a private doctor is now immediately received in the public health system. It also provides information of the results of exams for medics that requested them as soon as the exam is finished. DAPE - Platform for process simplification 2016 - present ■ An online platform that allows the management of cooperation among the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and the industry in what concerns the internships and projects carried out by students. This platform allows partner industries to submit internships and projects for students. Students access those submissions in real time and apply for them. Moreover, all the evaluation process is carried out throughout the platform, both for the Polytechnic Institute and the industrial partner. DAPE was developed and significantly improved over the last two years mainly with the contribution from the interactions among the involved players: Polytechnic Institute, Industries and Students. It is now used in a daily basis by around 130 companies/industries, 40 Professors and 250 students.


Computer Graphics ■ Natural and Weather Phenomena, Cloud Physics, Cloud Rendering, Computer Simulations, Real-Time Systems, Meteorological Applications, Weather Prediction. Human-Computer Interaction ■ User Interaction, Usability, User testing, User Experience, Interface Design, Human behavior. Computational Physics ■ Navier-Stokes Equations, Thermodynamics, Momentum Equations, Nonlinear Physics, Composite Lam¬inates, Hierarchical Finite Element Method.


Journals ■ Cunha, C.A.S.; Duarte, R.P. Multi-Device Nutrition Control. Sensors 2022, 22, 2617. ■ Duarte, Rui P., and Gomes, Abel JP, ’’Real-Time Simulation of Cumulus Clouds through SkewT/LogP Diagrams, Computers & Graphics Journal, Volume 67, 2017, Pages 103-114, ISSN 0097-8493. ■ Ribeiro, P. and Duarte, Rui P., ’From periodic to chaotic oscillations in composite laminated plates”, International Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol. 84, Issues 2425, September 2006, Pages 16291639, ISSN 0045-7949. Keywords: Laminated plates; p-version; Non-linear; Dynamics; Chaos. Conference Papers ■ Lima, M., Morgado, J.F., Duarte, R.P. (2022). Low-Cost Embedded System for Customer Loyalty. In: Yang, XS., Sherratt, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Infor¬mation and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 216. Springer, Singapore. ■ M. Figueiredo, V. Alves, D. Gomes, S. Amante, C. Sousa, H. Gomes, R.P. Duarte, C. Gomes, B. Rego, I. Gencel (2022) Algorithmic Thinking and Creativity: A Deck of Cards for Early Cildhood Education, EDULEARN22 Proceedings, pp. 6696-6705. ■ Jernimo, M., Pinto, F.C., Duarte, R.P. (2023). Weight-Based Dynamic Hybrid Recommendation Sys¬tem for Web Application Content. In: Yang, XS., Sherratt, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 464. Springer, Singapore. ■ M. Figueiredo et al., ”Play, Algorithmic Thinking and Early Childhood Education: Challenges in the Portuguese Context,” 2021 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), Malaga, Spain, 2021, pp. 1-4. ■ Costa, J. , Cunha, C., Duarte, Rui P., Menoita, J. ’’Knowledge Retention Through Observation of In¬stant Messaging Systems.” Proceedings of the 23rd Pan-Helenic Conference in Informatics (PCI’2019), Nicosia, Cyprus, November 28-30, 2019. ■ Magalhes, M., Duarte, R.P., Oliveira, C., Pinto, F.C. (2021). The Role of the Smart Citizen in Smart Cities. In: , et al. Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2021. ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12952. Springer, Cham. ■ Borges, V. and Duarte, Rui P. and Cunha, Carlos A. and Mota, D. ”Are you lost? Using Facial Recognition to Detect Customer Emotions in Retail Stores.” Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Human-Oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services (CENTRIC’2019), Valencia, Spain, November 24-28, 2019. ■ Duarte, Rui P. and Abel JP Gomes, ’’Real-Time Simulation of Cumulus Clouds through SkewT/LogP Diagrams.” Proceedings of the 33rd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG’2017), Mikulov, Czech Republic, May 15-17, 2019. Conference Paper with Honorable Mention. Paper Recommended for publication at the Computer & Graphics Journal. ■ Duarte, Rui P., Jos Francisco Morgado, and Abel JP Gomes, ”Visualizao Dinmica de Nuvens Atravs de Diagramas Termodinmicos.” Proceedings of the 21st Portuguese Meeting in Computer Graphics (EPCG’2014), Leiria, Portugal, 2014. Best presentation award. ■ Artur A. Sousa, Rui P. Duarte, Jos L. Pereira, Joo A. Carvalho, ’’Topics on XML Data Storage and Management.” International Conference on Applied Computing IADIS, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 ■ Rui P. Duarte, P.M. Ribeiro, ”Time Domain Analysis of Geometrically non-linear Vibrations of Com¬posite Laminated Plates by the Hierarchical Finite Element Method.” in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), ’’Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 82, 2004. ■ A. Sousa, C. Wanzeller, Rui P. Duarte, M. Batista, A. Soares, ’’Contacts Manager: A Mobile Web Ap¬plication Consumer of Web Services.” International Conference on Applied Computing IADIS, Madrid, Spain, 2004. ■ A., Pereira, J.L., Carvalho, J. . e Duarte, Rui P.,”An Overview on XML Data Storage and Man¬agement.” Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the Portuguese Association in Information Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004. ■ Rui P. Duarte, P.M. Ribeiro, ”Vibrao Em Regime Livre de Placas Laminadas Espessas pelo Mtodo dos Elementos Finitos Hierrquico.” VII Conference of Applied Mechanics and Computational, Evora, Portugal, 2003.


Understanding Conversation Writing Oral Reading Oran Interaction Oral Production English Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good French Good Good Good Good Good Spanish Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good




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